Symphonie 2 2007, remastered in 2018
by Gertect Sound Project
Gertect Sound Project
Gertect Sound Project
Gertect Sound Project
Gertect Sound Project
The symphony was composed in 2007.
The first Movement is characterized by a rapid changing of rhythms. The deep, rolling thunder of drums, contrabasses and a Grand Piano is balanced by a trumpet solo, harmonic accords of a harp and a melodious piano solo.
The second Movement contains a very deep machine like pumping sound, which changes in loudness and rhythm. Percussion instruments set sharp accents, sometimes reminding of shaken matchsticks. A vital, fresh and easygoing string part strolls entirely unimpressed through the sometimes threatening machine sound.
The third Movement starts with melancholic string clusters which create a severe atmosphere. Then the music opens rapidly in an upward movement going on to mixed choirs, with changing of Pizzicato and Legato parts, accompanied by fast, impulsive string clouds which result in a furious rolling finale of the Movement.
The fourth Movement is characterized by melancholic, calm solo melodies of a clarinet and an oboe, accompanied by Pizzicato like string accents in the background.